Life Coaching
You can schedule personal life coaching sessions with us. Call us to set up a phone, skype, or in-person session. The following course is also available.
Three Module Course: Living from your Heartspace
Discover your legacy of super power and inspire others with the energy and spirit of your life. In this 3 module course, we walk you through the process of discovery. Learn how to release your fears, access your heart space, and connect to those around you with the authenticity that is YOU.
Module one: Preparing for an irresistable journey!
Learn to: Discover your legacy of super power. Create a new story for your life. Share your best self with the world.
Module two: Allowing the best of all posibilities!
Learn to: Breathe into your authentic voice. Be the one responsible for your life. Have courage.
Module three: Enjoying "happy moments"!
Learn to: Embrace gratefulness. Keep the faith. Focus on love.
Call for more information 503.691.8505